MoveIT to the beat!

Ballet Shoes MOVEIT Ballet Shoes MOVEIT 2010

I managed to get an invite to this year’s Move IT dance event and thought that all you dance lovers might like to get a slice of the action. Despite feeling like I was past my expiry date (what with being surrounded by adorable teeny boppers and their dreams of stardom) I was totally impressed by the diverse range of performances, seminars and classes. Considering there were so many things going on at the same time, I take my hat off to the organisers for their good effort. My friend and I were totally addicted to the freestyle stage watching the creative moves, spins and twists of talented dancers. Some of the young ones were brilliant and you couldn’t help but go awww after seeing their proud parents cheer them on.

FATLDN’s hot picks

My favourite highlights from Saturday’s event had to be.. The really well coordinated Urdang Academy performance and the beautiful ballet piece by Royal Ballet principal Sarah Lamb – I wish it had lasted so much longer.

My favourite freebie was my… ‘I love the Royal Academy of Dance‘ bag and having a chat with the lovely ladies over there.


Urdang Academy - MoveIT
Urdang Academy

Sarah Lamb MOVEIT

Sarah Lamb

I thought instead of me ranting on about what actually happened that it was far better to share some of my video clips from the Move IT Pop, Ballroom and Latin Deluxe and Bollywood to Hollywood performances.

So here it is.. FATLDN’s first youtube video… drum roll…. I hope you enjoy.

Move IT 2010 Dance Performances

ps apologies for the sound quality!

Fabulous performances by ballroom dance and latin couples including dancers representing EADA, World Outgames Showdance Champions Guyz in Sync presented by Studio La Danza, Alex and Lisa Ivanets and Strictly Come Dancing stars Matthew and Nicole Cutler!

The Professionals, Southern Theatre Arts at Northbrook College, Bird College, Tiffany Theatre College with choreography by Christian Storm and Urdang Academy.

and Dance and Cheer 49, Apsara Arts, Bird College.  Also featuring Strike, Midlands Academy of Dance and Drama, and SLP College.

Freestyle stage

Here is a mish mash of some of the contenders on the freestyle stage!

Getting clued up!

Now for the serious bit.. I decided to get all scientific and headed down to the ‘What is new in dance and health?’ talk. If you dont count my student years filled with club nights or my occasional visit to belly dance class then, I would probably have to say I gave up my dancing career when I quit ballet at 10, which explains why I was quite shocked to learn about Dr Matthew Wyon’s findings.

Dance classes MOVEIT 2010

A Leader in Performance Science from University of Wolverhampton, Matthew went through some interesting stats on the number of injuries incurred by dancers, due to a lack of training. In a recent study with Birmingham Royal Ballet, he noted that in 2005-2006, 172 injuries were reported by female and 183 for male dancers. Following proper training and prevention screening, the total number of injuries reduced to 75 for female and 99 for male dancers. To me it was totally obvious that you should train and build up muscle strength to be a better dancer however, it seemed the problem was embedded within the time constraints of dance classes and the emphasis on warming up and preparing for performances. Despite students being advised to train in their own time, many did not class it as a priority and experienced injuries as a result.

Strictly Come Dancing MOVEIT 2010





The whole event was wonderful but left me feeling totally unfit! Just heading down to the gym – I might not be back for a while.

Videos shot and edited by Natalie Vescia. Photos taken by Poonum Chauhan and Natalie Vescia.

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Pole Dancing - MOVE IT 2010

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